
  • The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul McDermott

    The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul McDermott

    The Hon Mr. Justice Paul McDermott

    Judge of the High Court

  • Professor Kevin Browne

    Professor Kevin Browne

    Kevin Browne Professor of Forensic Psychology & Child Health, Director of Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham

  • Mr. Lawrence Jones

    Mr. Lawrence Jones

    Lawrence Jones Currently employed as a clinical and forensic consultant psychologist, head of the clinical and forensic psychology service at Rampton Hospital Nottinghamshire healthcare Trust.

  • Dr. Charles Larkin

    Dr. Charles Larkin

    Charles Larkin, (Discip. Schol.) B.A., Ph.D. [TCD] is Director of Research at the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath.

  • Ms. Mary Mc Dermott

    Mary Mc Dermott

    Mary McDermott is CEO of Safe Ireland and Adjunct Professor at the School of Applied Social Studies in University College Cork.

  • Dr. Catriona O'Toole

    Dr. Catriona O'Toole

    Dr. Catriona O'Toole is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Professor at the Maynooth University Department of Education, specializing in trauma-informed education, school engagement, and the well-being of students and educators.

  • Dr. Catherine Norton

    Dr. Catherine Norton

    Dr. Catherine Norton is a Chartered Consultant Neuropsychologist, and Clinical Director of Mental Perk Psychological Services.

  • Dr. Noelle Martin

    Dr. Noelle Martin

    Senior Clinical Psychologist in Limerick Prison,

    (working across both the male and female prisons).  

  • Dr. Laura Farrugia

    Dr. Laura Farrugia

    Dr. Laura Farrugia is an Assistant Professor at Northumbria University, UK & a registered intermediary.

  • Morgan Shelley BL

    Morgan Shelley BL

    Morgan Shelley is a barrister in practice since 2006. He is a member of the editorial board of the Bar Review and a former member of the Mental Health Tribunal.

  • Maura Butler

    Maura Butler

    Maura Butler, BA (Legal Science), LL.B, MSc IT in Education, is a retired solicitor and NGO Board member. 

  • Lee-Ann Purcell

    Lee-Ann Purcell

    Lee-Ann Purcell is a Solicitor and Legal Advisor to Tusla - Child and Family Agency

  • Shelia Crowley

    Shelia Crowley

    Shelia Crowley is an Integrative Trauma Therapist - Ruhama

  • Keith Harbottle

    Keith Harbottle

    Keith Harbottle has over 25 years’ experience of working in a police force in England and Wales.

  • Andrew McCarthy

    Andrew McCarthy

    Mr. Andrew McCarthy is currently Governor in charge of Limerick Female Prison

  • Eddie Mullins

    Eddie Mullins

    Eddie Mullins is the current CEO of Merchant Quay Ireland and was employed by the Irish Prison Service (IPS) for over 32 years, during which time he acquired a deep understanding of the challenges faced by many people living on the margins of society.

  • Mr. Patrick Ryan

    Patrick Ryan

    Pat Ryan was employed for over fifteen years as a PE teacher at the Midlands Prison in Portlaoise.

*Disclaimer – The speakers views are their own and may not represent the views of the event organisers and management team.